Our overarching strategic goal is the complete eradication of fatal accidents. This is to be achieved through the continuous adopOon of internationally recognized best practices in health and safety throughout all our operations, aiming to position our company as the foremost leader in Iraq in this crucial field.

journey background


In pursuit of this objective, the Labor Safety Project has been conceived as a fundamental pillar within the SGC company's business framework. This initiative represents a comprehensive, company-wide strategy comprising various projects and endeavors aimed at enhancing both operaOonal effciency and financial performance. The project is designed to elevate the overall performance of each business unit by actively engaging all employees and fostering a safety-oriented culture built on personal responsibility.

The project is delineated into three core components:

the provision of safer working condiOons

comprehensive training programs

active employee engagement

A pivotal aspect of this initiative involves a shij in focus from mere supervision (such as inspections and sanctions for violations) to constructive dialogues with employees.

Our Company Employs Internal Safety Trainers Who Directly Train And Develop Site Managers At Their Workplaces.

Saraji Group Contracing

Integral to the Labor Safety Project is a thorough audit and continuous analysis of the Al-Khora company's health and safety management system. We have developed standardized health and safety rating audits to facilitate assessment, monitoring, and comparison across all our work sites, thereby aiding the company in continual performance improvement

A crucial commitment

within the project is the dedication to providing our staff with comprehensive training courses and basic first aid workshops. This ensures that our team members are equipped with the necessary safety knowledge and adhere to safety instructions.

To reinforce our plan, we have implemented the following steps:


Organizing training courses conducted by the safety unit, with mandatory attendance for all staff members to ensure a full understanding of safety procedures applicable across all sites.


Supervising staff by site managers and frontline supervisors to reinforce training and ensure the consistent application of safety measures.


Displaying safety instructions at each unit on the site, and providing each staff member with these instructions. Moreover, supervisors conduct safety knowledge tests by posing relevant questions before commencing any work